Entering Grade 6
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Frazzled series
Frazzled: Everyday Disasters and Impending Doom by Booki Vivat There are some people who are kind of glass half empty. Abbie Wu is "Oh no! The glass will explode and shower me with glass splinters!" Her ability to automatically assume the worst, most dramatic thing is about to happen is about to intersect with middle school and the results are going to be pretty funny. , , ,to everyone but Abbie. |
It's the End of the World and I'm in My Bathing Suit by Justin A. Reynolds
On the day of the highly anticipated Beach Bash, Eddie is grounded until he does ALL his laundry. When the washing machine cycle stops in the middle of the chore because the power has gone out, Eddie sets out in his bathing suit and flip-flops to figure out what's going on. He meets some of the other neighborhood kids, but no adults. As night falls, the kids realize that the adults may not be coming back. |
A Million Views by Aaron Starmer
Brewster loves making videos and watching his views go up on YouTube. So what if he doesn't have friends to film with? But when he does invite the new kid to help him film a 10-second video, the complexity of the shoot, the number of people involved, and go kart monster special effects start to spiral out of control. |
Pay Attention, Carter Jones by Gary D. Schmidt
On the first day of Middle School, when the milk is spoiled, the dog has thrown up again and his three sisters are having various breakdowns, the last thing Carter needs is the butler who shows up on their doorstep. His mother, however, is grateful for the help and soon Cater finds himself being driven to school in a purple Bentley. |
Star Scouts series by Mike Lawrence
Book 1: Star Scouts Spunky alien Mabel needs to collect some Earth specimens for Star Scouts. Luckily, she runs into Avani, an earthling who could use a little teleportation and jetpack racing to spice up her life. If Avani can just survive Camp Andromeda, and keep her dad from discovering that she’s left planet Earth, she’s in for the adventure of a lifetime. (graphic novel) |
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